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KRA Operating Policies: Appendix D - Document Archival Policy

Appendix D


KRA Document Archival Policy


(adopted by KRA 030315)



  1. All documents created by board members and committee chairpersons and committee members for KRA business belong to the KRA.


  1. Committee minutes should be submitted to the KRA secretary for filing no later than the next scheduled board meeting.


  1. Board member and committee chairpersons should transfer documents and photos to the secretary for filing into the archive boxes at the end of each KRA fiscal year or at the end of their term of office (no later than the January membership meeting).   


a)    Documents must be dated, labeled with place, function, and name of           individuals attending.


b)    Photos must be dated, labeled with place, function, and name of individuals pictured.


  1. The following calendar for disposal of records will be followed. 


  • Retain permanently: annual meeting programs, directories, constitutions, bylaws, financial audits, funded grant proposals, minutes of meetings, news releases and clippings, photographs, publicity materials, director's correspondence, project files, subject files, and donor lists

  • End-of-grant plus 7 years: Grant files

  • Retain 7 years: Bank statements, cancelled checks, purchase orders

  • Retain 3 years: Event-planning files, receipts, bills, expense reports, quarterly budget reports



Records disposal policy adapted from: The Nantucket Historical Association



Documenting and Preserving Organizational History by the University of Illinois, Chicago was also helpful.

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